NetGalley ARCs: How to Get Free Digital ARCs for Review

If you review books on any platform and you’re hoping to start receiving free digital ARCs, NetGalley is the place to be! It’s where I got my start as a book reviewer and Bookstagrammer, and it’s the perfect avenue to start working with publishers. Here’s a guide to getting started on NetGalley and requesting e-ARCs for review!

NetGalley guide to digital ARCs - a kindle sitting on an open book on a woman's lap in a grey chair

What is NetGalley?

NetGalley is an online platform that gives readers access to digital ARCs (also known as e-ARCs) for free in exchange for an honest review.

An ARC – also known as an advanced reader copy – is a free uncorrected proof of a book, either in print or digital form, that’s provided by a publisher prior to a book’s release. (You can read more about ARC books here.)

Digital ARCs (also known as e-ARCs) are electronic files you can read on a device such as a Kindle, cell phone, or iPad.

On NetGalley, users are able to request ebooks (and audiobooks) directly from publishers, and in turn, they generate buzz for new upcoming titles.

If you’re new to Bookstagram and are hoping to start receiving ARCs from publishers, NetGalley is the best place to start. You can build up your relationships with publishers while you grow your following on Instagram (or another social media platform).

Even if you’re not interested in Bookstagram, you can still use NetGalley if you share your reviews on a platform like Goodreads.

How to Join NetGalley

Joining NetGalley is easy and free!

All you need to do is create an account and fill it out with your relevant details, such as your favorite genres to read and where you post your book reviews.

NetGalley homepage screenshot

Step 1: Sign Up For An Account

First, create an account. Under the ‘Member Type’ dropdown, you’ll likely want to select ‘Reviewer’, unless you fall into one of the other categories (such as Educator/Teacher, Librarian, or Bookseller).

Step 2: Fill Out Your Profile

Your profile helps give publishers a good idea of your audience and your interests. Be sure to fill it out completely for the best chance of approval!

Include any relevant information, such as links to any social media platforms where you share your book reviews.

You can also include more information in your ‘Bio’ section, such as your follower count on each platform you use, or anything else you’d like to share.

How to Request Books on NetGalley

Step 1: Find Digital ARCs to Request (e-ARCs)

Once you’ve selected your favorite categories (i.e. genres) in your profile, you’ll see them listed on the left-side menu in your Dashboard.

You can navigate to each category to see upcoming books to review.

Netgalley genre categories menu screenshot

You can also search by a number of other filters, such as by publisher or by just typing a title or author in the search box in the upper right corner of the page.

If you’re looking for the most popular/most requested books on NetGalley, navigate to the ‘Find Titles’ page in the top menu. Then, select ‘Most-Requested Books’ from the menu on the left.

NetGalley most requested books page screenshot

To request a digital ARC of a book, simply click on the cover, then hit the ‘Request’ button. If it says ‘Read Now’, that means you can download the ebook without having to request it first!

(If there isn’t an option to read now or request a book, that means it isn’t available to read at that time.)

If your request is accepted, you’ll receive an email notification and you’ll be able to download the digital ARC from the ‘Your Shelf’ page. You can send the ebook to your Kindle/Kindle app (on your phone), iPad, or the NetGalley Shelf app.

You can also request audiobooks on NetGalley! Once you’re approved, you’ll just need to download the NetGalley Shelf app in order to listen to them.

Step 2: Read & Share Your Review

Once you finish reading a book, it’s time to write and share your review!

One important note: somewhere in your review/post, be sure to disclose that you received a free advanced copy of the book fro the publisher in exchange for an honest review. (This is an FTC – Federal Trade Commission – requirement). *I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice – just a helpful tip.

Once you publish your review on your preferred platform(s), be sure to go back into NetGalley to send your review, feedback, and relevant links to the publisher.

To do this, navigate to ‘Your Shelf’ from the top menu, then click the ‘Give Feedback’ button next to the book you reviewed. Fill out the requested information, and submit. That’s it!

Feedback Percentage: Helpful Tips to Know

Your feedback percentage is another important factor publishers use when deciding who to approve for e-ARCs. This ratio is the number of books you’ve provided feedback on (i.e. a review) compared to the total number of digital ARCs you’ve been approved for.

NetGalley feedback percentage screenshot

When you first join NetGalley, you may be tempted to request every book you come across. Don’t do it!

If you request too many books at once, you may not have time to finish reading (or complete your review) on time. You want to create a positive reputation with publishers, and that wouldn’t give a good impression.

Start slow and build up from there. 🙂

I hope you found this NetGalley guide helpful! Feel free to ask any additional questions in the comments below. Happy reading!

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